Thinking Truth

“. . . we usually fall, quite unawares, into assuming that what we are thinking–the ideas and opinions that we harbor at any given time–are ‘the truth’ about what is ‘out there’ in the world and ‘in here’ in our minds.  Most of the time, it just isn’t so.” -Jon Kabat-Zinn

I often feel that I am someone who needs proof in order to exist and to move forward in my adventures of life.  I have often believed that if I feel that I have proof for something, then I am going to believe and act upon that something.  Now, I don’t always follow the path that I believe to be most logical.  What would be the fun in that?  So how do we know what is truth if what we believe to be truth might not actually be truth?  I know this: my opinions and knowledge of things are constantly changing, and although I believe certain things and will willingly share my thoughts, ask me again about those same thoughts even a day later and they will be slightly different.  I may develop and enhance that thought further, or I might tweak it and send it off in another direction.

I love learning.  I love thinking.  I love ideas.  I can’t help it.


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